1 positive pregnancy test 3 negative
1 positive pregnancy test 3 negative

I am so confused right now and im unsure Im so confused. 3 home pregnacy test positive then negative test at doctors what dose this mean ? Negative test but feel very pregnant Blood test negative, urine tests faint, but still feel pregnant?! Positive pregnancy test but then period? feel very very pregnant, but negative test results Urine test said negative. Unlike the light pink of a faint positive result, an evaporation doesnt activate the dye in the pregancy test, so it may show up as a colorless gray line. If this test is also negative, see your doctor. Test again in three days’ time if your period has still not arrived. Faint positive but then negative Faint Positive then Negative Positive result first then negative result Negative test results but still feel pregnant faint positive on pregnancy test. If you get a negative result, you may have miscalculated the day your period is due. Very Faint Positive One faint positive followed by two negatives faint positive, then negative Really Faint Line in Positive window.? Period 2 weeks late. boobs extremely sore and swollen ( even nipple darker) so i pretty much have every sympton in the book but still negative tests so i was wondering has this happened to anyone else what was your outcome? and any ideas whats going on surely the tests should be positive by now if im pregnant i have tried so many brands its not funny: clear blue digital with conception indicator - negative forelife 10miu - neg first respone- neg crystal clear - faint positive & the brand the doctor took which i forgot the name of it - neg im sorry its long but any advice would be kindly appreciated & thankyou in advancedįaint positive line few times then negative positive then negative pt 3 positive hpt, 1 negative blood test one positive urine pregnancy test, one negative? Two Positive Home Tests.negative urine test at doctor One positive result followed by an immediate negative Two faint positives three negatives. nausea followed by vomiting after eating 10. What should you do Wait until the following morning to test again with the first morning urine. frequent urination 7.frequent headaches 8. she told me wait a week & test again ( didnt offer me a blood test & i didnt ask was too confused & upset to think ) ( i feel she was only being nice cause she saw how bubbly and happy i was when i told her & then how shattered i was after hearing the neg ) so its been 4 days and every pregnancy test i have taken has come out negative but i feel pregnant. well then my period never came on the 29th so its 5 days late i took a pregnancy test on the faint positive i was so excited so the next day i went to the doctor she done a pregnancy test it was negative i could have cried.

1 positive pregnancy test 3 negative

well my periods are right on the dot every month on the 29th (last month on the 1st cause of febraury.) any way that period was really weird only lasted 2 days then nothing then on the 15 of march i had a little bit of brown discharge like a spot of it then nothing.

1 positive pregnancy test 3 negative

i have been ttc ever since if you could read on much appreciated. and ideas whats going on i had a miscarriage 4months ago when i was 10 weeks pregnant. I just want to know if anyone else experienced the same thing & what was your outcome.

1 positive pregnancy test 3 negative